Investment Philosophy
Time-tested, focused approach to investing
We are not stock brokers, day traders, or market timers. We believe that markets are efficient, therefore, it has less to do with “timing the market” and everything to do with “time in the market.”
We are a Registered Investment Adviser company. This means we have a fiduciary obligation to our clients that goes far beyond the suitability standard typically owed by registered representatives of broker-dealer firms to their clients. Our fee-based approach aligns our goals with those of our clients. Therefore, we sit on the same side of the table as our clients and their success is our success. We utilize low-cost, no-load, institutional class mutual funds, ETF’s, stocks, and bonds.

With thousands of mutual funds available, we realize that it is impossible to effectively manage that many investments.
With that in mind, we narrowed down our list of investments that we offer to our clients. We believe that cost is the single biggest drain on investment performance, therefore, we choose funds that are low cost and are exclusively Institutional share class. We don’t believe that paying for a mutual fund company’s advertising costs serves our clients’ best interests. We choose investments that, in our opinion, provide the best financial management and performance at a reasonable cost.
Our job does not end there. It is human nature to allow emotions to get the best of the most sound investment portfolio. We endeavor to remove emotions from our investment strategy and make sound investment decisions rather than emotional ones. In an effort to remain objective, we will help you manage your fear and temper your greed. We are confident that our team- approach process will help you reach your desired goals.
Our process includes listening and taking the time to get to know what’s most important to you, your family, and your financial situation. Once we gather the information, we use it to create your Investment Policy Statement. Your Investment Policy Statement takes into account your specific situation, your risk tolerance and your goals in order to provide our financial “roadmap” going forward. Should your situation change, your Investment Policy Statement will be updated accordingly. The Investment Policy Statement will state specifically what asset classes will be held in a given account and what proportions will be allocated to each. On a quarterly basis, the portfolio will be rebalanced back to our target.
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin